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Want the full story? Download the 2023 Integrated Report

Welcome to our fourth integrated report.

This report explains how we create value over time, or as we say in our company vision, how we are building a better Aotearoa New Zealand.

We expect it is of interest to our people, customers, investors, suppliers, business partners, local communities, tangata whenua, legislators, regulators, policymakers and all other stakeholders.

It follows the principles-based approach of the Integrated Reporting Framework and reflects our strategy and our ongoing journey towards integrated thinking, focused on value creation.

Thanks for reading.


Want the full story? Download the 2023 Integrated Report

Governance and disclosures

Good corporate governance protects the interests of all stakeholders and enhances short-term and long-term value.

The governance section includes information about our Board’s role, composition, governance capabilities, approach to risk management and an overview of remuneration.

We disclose information about directors’ interests, investor statistics, and our sustainability performance (including climate-related risk, employee diversity and privacy).

For ESG data supporting our sustainability performance, see our ESG Reporting webpage.


Download the Governance and disclosure sections

Financial statements

The financial statements are for Contact, a group made up of Contact Energy Limited, Simply Energy Limited, Contact Energy Trustee Company Limited, Contact Energy Risk Limited, Western Energy Services Limited and interests in associates and joint arrangements.

Contact Energy Limited is registered in New Zealand under the Companies Act 1993. We are listed on the New Zealand Stock Exchange (NZX) and the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) and we have bonds listed on the NZX debt market. Contact is an FMC reporting entity under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013.

Our financial statements are prepared in accordance with New Zealand generally accepted accounting practice (GAAP) and comply with New Zealand equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and IFRS as appropriate for profit-oriented entities.


Download the Financial statements