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Not happy? We'd like to hear from you

We work hard to look after our customers, but if we’ve let you down, we really want to hear from you, so we can put it right if we can.
If you’d like to lodge a complaint, or give us any feedback at all, please contact us in the following ways. It means you’ll connect to the right person straight away. You can also use our online form.

Electricity and piped gas

Phone: 0800 224 424
Any time from 7am to 9pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 5pm on Saturdays.
Email: help@contactenergy.co.nz
Post: Customer Resolutions Team, Contact Energy Limited, PO Box 624, Wellington 6140.

Bottled gas

Phone: 0800 762 542  
Any time from 7:30am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 8:30am to 5pm on Saturdays. 
Email: LPGenquiries@contactenergy.co.nz 
Fax: 0800 42 0021
Post: Customer Care Manager, Contact Rockgas, PO Box 7195, Christchurch 8240.
We’ll work to set things right straight away and acknowledge your complaint within two business days of receiving it. If we can't resolve it straight away, we’ll let you know how we get on within seven business days. If it’s more complex, or involves other parties, we’ll investigate on your behalf. In some cases, we may refer you or your complaint to your network operator or meter owner – but we’ll let you know if we do that.

We are a member of the Energy Complaints Scheme operated by Utilities Disputes. Utilities Disputes provides electricity, natural gas, bottled gas and piped LPG customers with a free and independent industry complaints resolution process.

If the complaint falls within its jurisdiction and it has reached deadlock, you can refer your complaint with us to Utilities Disputes. That is if:

-a complaint made to us that has taken longer than 20 business days to resolve and we have not advised you in writing that there is a good reason for this, and what that reason is, or
-a complaint that is with us has taken longer than 40 business days to resolve
-Utilities Disputes is satisfied that:

oWe have made it clear that we do not intend to do anything about the complaint
oYou (as the complainant) would suffer unreasonable harm from waiting longer, or would be otherwise unjust to wait any longer.

You can contact Utilities Disputes by phone on 0800 22 33 40, fax on 0800 22 33 47, email on info@utilitiesdisputes.co.nz or by post at Freepost 192682, PO Box 5875, Wellington 6140. Find out more about Utilities Disputes here.

If you are still not satisfied
Our commitment is to do our best to come to a solution that works for everyone. If for some reason you’re unsatisfied with the way your complaint has been dealt with, even after the intervention of Utilities Disputes, then you can pursue the matter in another forum, for example the Disputes Tribunal or the court system.

We’re absolutely committed to our customers and to delivering your energy needs.