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Energy Saving Tips

Looking for some simple ways to help reduce your energy use and lower your bill? Read on for some ideas you can put into action right now.


If your bill is higher than you were expecting, make sure you also read our High Bill checklist.


In the kitchen

Let food cool down before putting it in the fridge or freezer to keep these appliances  running at their best (2°C - 5°C for your fridge, and -18°C for your freezer).


Keep fridge and oven doors closed as much as possible.


Use cold water when filling the jug or rinsing dishes.


Run your dishwasher only when it’s full.


Heating your home

Stop cold air from coming in by blocking chimneys and gaps under windows and doors.


Put an extra blanket on your bed instead of using an electric blanket.


Try using a thermostat to control when your heaters come on.


Close your curtains just before dark to keep in the heat.


Use a dehumidifier to keep your house dry and make it easier to heat.


Bathroom & laundry

Use a short, cold wash cycle when washing clothes.


Have showers instead of baths and try to keep them less than five minutes.


Dry your washing on a clothesline as often as possible.


Open a window when you’re showering to avoid moisture build up.


If you haven’t got one, look at installing a hot water cylinder wrap.


Lighting your home

Replace traditional lightbulbs with LED bulbs.


Clean lights and lampshades to get maximum light.


Switch the lights off when you leave a room.


Forming energy efficient habits

Switch off appliances at the wall. Standby mode uses power too!


Turn phone and laptop chargers off when your batteries are full.


Replace old appliances with ones that have a high-energy star rating.


Switch off your hot water if you’re away for more than two weeks.