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Contact will distribute ordinary dividends targeting a pay-out ratio of between 80 and 100% of the average Operating Free Cash Flow of the preceding four financial years.

Interim dividend 2025

Interim dividend of 16 cents per share (partially imputed) paid on 18 March 2025.

Cents per share Record date Payment date
Year end 30 June 2025
Total -
Final - - -
Interim 16 25-Feb-25 18-Mar-25
Year end 30 June 2024
Total 37.0
Final 23.00 28-Aug-24 27-Sep-24
Interim 14.0 27-Feb-24 18-Mar-24
Year end 30 June 2023
Total 35.0
Final 21.0 8-Sep-23 26-Sep-23
Interim 14.0 10-Mar-23 30-Mar-23
Year end 30 June 2022
Total 35.0
Final 21.0
9-Sep-22 27-Sep-22
Interim 14.0 11-Mar-22 30-Mar-22
Year end 30 June 2021
Total 35.0
Final 21.0
27-Aug-21 15-Sep-21
Interim 14.0 15-Mar-21 30-Mar-21
Year end 30 June 2020
Total 39.0
Final 23.0 27-Aug-20 15-Sep-20
Interim 16.0 19-Mar-20 7-Apr-20
Year end 30 June 2019
Total 39.0
Final 23.0 29-Aug-19 17-Sep-19
Interim 16.0 21-Mar-19 9-Apr-19
Year end 30 June 2018
Total 32.0
Final 19.0 30-Aug-18 18-Sep-18
Interim 13.0 16-Mar-18 6-Apr-18
Year end 30 June 2017
Total 26.00
Final 15.00 31-Aug-17 19-Sep-17
Interim 11.0 28-Feb-17 17-Mar-17
Year end 30 June 2016
Total 26.0
Final 15.0 06-Sep-16 23-Sep-16
Interim 11.0 02-Mar-16 23-Mar-16
Year end 30 June 2015
Total 76.0
Final 15.0 02-Sep-15 15-Sep-15
Special 50.0 10-Jun-15 23-Jun-15
Interim 11.0 04-Mar-15 26-Mar-15
Year end 30 June 2014
Total 26.0
Final 15.0 03-Sep-14 15-Sep-14
Interim 11.0 07-Mar-14 27-Mar-14
Year end 30 June 2013
Total 25.0
Final 14.0 04-Sep-13 16-Sep-13
Interim 11.0 08-Mar-13 26-Mar-13


Contact has established a Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP), which offers shareholders the opportunity to increase their investment in Contact without incurring brokerage fees. Participation in the DRP is optional.

Details of the DRP, including how to participate, are set out in the DRP Offer Document below.

DRP offer document

DRP participation form


What is the Contact Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP)? 

The DRP enables you to reinvest all or part of any dividend paid on your shares in additional Contact shares instead of receiving that dividend in cash. 


Am I eligible to participate?

As at 30 March 2021, the DRP is only available to holders of shares who have an address on the Contact registry in New Zealand or Australia. However, the Board may amend this policy at any time, in its sole discretion. 


How much does it cost? 

Participation in the DRP is free and provides Contact shareholders with the ability to acquire additional shares in Contact free of brokerage, commission or other transaction costs.


How do I participate in the DRP? 

Once you have read the DRP Offer Document you can elect to participate at any time by making an election online. 

  • New Zealand register holders: Visit linkmarketservices.co.nz You will require your CSN/Holder Number and Authorisation Code (FIN) to complete the investor validation process. 
  • Australian register holders: Visit linkmarketservices.com.au You will require your Holder Number and postcode to complete the investor validation process. 

Alternatively, you can return a Participation Form to Contact’s share Registrar, Link Market Services Limited. 


What options do I have regarding participating in the DRP? 

Participation in the DRP is optional. If you wish to participate in the DRP, you may elect for: 

  • Full participation: Where all of your shares (including shares held now and acquired in the future, including where issued or transferred to you under the DRP) will be treated as participating in the DRP for all future dividends to which the DRP applies (unless you vary your participation in the DRP in accordance with the terms and conditions of the DRP); or
  • Partial participation: Where only a proportion of shares nominated by you (and the dividends paid on them) will participate in the DRP for all future dividends to which the DRP applies (unless you vary your participation in accordance with the terms and conditions of the DRP). Note that you will continue to receive cash dividends on any of your shares which are not part of the DRP. 


What if I don’t want to participate in the DRP?

If you do not wish to participate in the DRP, you don’t need to do anything. You will continue to receive cash dividends on your shares. 


What if I change my mind? 

You can join, vary your participation, or withdraw from the DRP any time by either contacting Contact’s registrar Link Market Services or forwarding a completed Participation Form to the Registrar. Participation Forms are available online or from the Registrar upon request.