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16 March 2017

Contact to offer new rewards with AA Smartfuel

Contact Energy Limited (Contact) announces they will commence a new rewards offer with AA Smartfuel and will not continue its partnership with Fly Buys, which will end on 6 May 2017.  

“Our customers have told us that when it comes to rewards they want a more instant and generous rewards programme. Our customers want value discounts and cash back in their wallets, and as a result we will be introducing an exciting new suite of customer reward options in the coming months”, says Contact’s Chief Customer Officer, Vena Crawley.   “For us it’s about continually enhancing the great service and value we can provide our customers, and part of this includes providing more instant rewards relating to goods they buy regularly in their everyday lives, rather than reward options which may expire before they can utilise them.”    Contact will introduce the new rewards offers in the coming weeks, communicating firstly with our customers how they can easily start earning AA Smartfuel discounts and save money. 


Investor enquiries: Matthew Forbes +64 21 072 8578

Media enquiries: Fraser Gardiner +64 21 228 3688