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08 February 2017

Contact Energy changes reporting segments

Contact Energy Limited (Contact) today advises of changes to its segment reporting structure to be included in the financial results for the six months ended 31 December 2016. These results will be released prior to the market opening on Monday, 13 February 2017.  

Contact will replace the previous Integrated Energy and Other segments with Customer and Generation segments. The change ensures the allocation of volume risk between the two segments is visible and enhances performance comparison metrics. 

The key changes include: • The inclusion of an electricity transfer price for volumes sold by the Customer segment • Gas purchases for retail sales included in the Customer segment • Steam revenue included in the Generation segment • LPG and meter revenue included in the Customer segment 

There is no change to the reported profit in any periods, only movements between segments. In preparation for the upcoming results announcement, Contact has provided the previous financial year’s segment data in the revised format as an appendix to this release.  

Please download the PDF to read more.