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17 February 2023

Contact launches energy credit fund for customers impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle

Contact Energy has today launched an energy and broadband credit fund for all customers directly impacted by the devastation of Cyclone Gabrielle.

The $250,000 commitment is available immediately to all customers who need assistance. Affected residential and business customers are asked to get in touch with the retailer directly to discuss the best ways Contact can help.

“The sheer scale and magnitude of this natural disaster has still yet to be felt. Cyclone Gabrielle is an unprecedented event with so many New Zealanders either displaced or dealing with the loss of their belongings. Our customers have been profoundly affected and we want to support them through this incredibly tough time,” says CEO Mike Fuge.

“We have a crucial part to play in the recovery. We have committed to the energy and broadband credit scheme to help our customers during this time.  It’s a long road ahead, so we are asking any of our customers in real need who have been impacted by the cyclone to get in touch with us.  For those facing the aftermath and clean up, we know having significantly higher or unpaid bills can be overwhelming, and our message is that through this fund we are here to help.”

To reach the Contact energy and broadband credit fund, please use the phone numbers below:

  • Affected residential customers are asked to call: 0800 454 648
  • Affected business customers are asked to call: 0800 365 333.

Contact has also donated $50,000 to the New Zealand Red Cross ‘NZ Disaster Relief Fund’ which supports communities impacted by disasters such as Cyclone Gabrielle. So far, the New Zealand Red Cross teams have worked with emergency management agencies to deliver vital assistance across some of Aotearoa New Zealand’s hardest hit areas. This includes setting up and managing Civil Defence Centres, providing essential supplies such as stretchers, blankets, bedding and hygiene kits.

Contact is also encouraging their staff to use their ‘Contact Community Leave’ towards volunteering to help those communities affected by the cyclone.

“This is just one way we’re doing our bit to support the recovery efforts and those New Zealanders in desperate need,” says Mr Fuge.



Media enquiries

Louise Wright
Head of Communications and Reputation
M:  021 840 313
E: louise.wright@contactenergy.co.nz