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Our Story

At Contact, we want home to be the best place in the world – cosy, connected and happy. When we say ‘home’ we don’t just mean the four walls we live in, but also our collective home Aotearoa New Zealand.


That’s why we’re doing our bit to keep home great for us now and for generations to come by transitioning to a lower emissions future.

It’s good to be home

We’re always finding ways to help make our shared home better. With some courage and clever thinking, we’ve committed to net zero energy generation by 2035.

Our Tikanga

Our Tikanga guides our actions, both as individuals and as Contact. It's our set of principles, commitments and behaviours.

Generation and Development

Over our 30 year history we’ve built a flexible and largely renewable portfolio of electricity generation assets. We own and operate 11 power stations and produce 80-85% of our electricity from our renewable hydro and geothermal stations.

The Contact way of working

We have made a commitment to permanently transform how we work at Contact in a way that benefits both our people and our business. Our people have embraced flexibility and the choice to blend home/office life to suit individual circumstances. But we are not just about where you work, we are also transforming when we work, what we work on, how we work and who we collaborate with to achieve work goals.

While we have customer service centres, physical generation sites and corporate offices spread right across the country from Auckland to Central Otago, we now have an even more diverse and geographically distributed workforce as our people design the approach to working that will enrich their lives and be better for our business.

Our people make responsible work choices by asking: Is it good for our customers and stakeholders? Is it good for Contact? Is it good for me?

This isn’t a social experiment, it’s our way of working.

Health and Safety

Our H&S journey at Contact is always evolving because we are always learning. We have worked hard over many years to help our people create safe ways of working, trusting them to do their best work every day, encouraging involvement and supporting work with systems and processes that help rather than hinder getting work done efficiently and safely.

We have teams who look out for each other, take safety seriously and are supported by leaders who truly care about everyone returning home safely to their whanau at the end of the working day. The way our people turn up and think about safety has a big influence on how work is planned and executed.

Our people are the solution, they are always alert to change, they get involved and speak up when things don’t feel right or when they find a better way.