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International Women in Engineering Day: Lynley Dunn, Asset Manager

This year for International Women in Engineering Day (23 June 2020), we want to showcase the amazing journey our engineers have taken. We truly have a diverse bunch of women engineers in Contact who come from all walks of life. The international theme is “Shape the World,” so we asked our engineers some questions about what got them into their field in the first place.

What is the photo of?

This is a photo of me as a child (70s!!) dreaming of being a nurse and playing with dolls. Imagine my mother’s despair when I turned up at age 18 in work boots and overalls – no one else’s daughter was doing that in the 80s!! She was terribly disappointed but Dad had a grin from ear to ear.

Lynley Dunn


What inspired you to become an engineer?

Looking back I think it was my Dad who inspired me to take the non-traditional pathway I chose. He was a really hard worker. He spent his weekends building trailers as a side business – I loved being in the garage with him sorting the nuts and bolts into piles and trying not to watch when he was welding!! He came with me to my very first interview at the Huntly Power Station – I remember how proud he was to be bringing his daughter – when most others were bringing their sons!


What surprises you most about your job?

I have been surprised by how many varied opportunities I have had so far in my career. Every day is different and I still learn something new every day. I am challenged more than some people would enjoy – but it has made me resilient and a strong role model for my two daughters. I love that I get to work with so many talented people who innovate and strive for improvement because they care about what they are doing. Engineering takes so many forms, all of which contribute to the safe and reliable operation of our power station.


What are you most proud of having achieved in your role?

I have had a variety of technical roles over the years but I am most proud of my current role as Asset Manager for our Taranaki plant, leading the maintenance and engineering team. This role enables me to be immersed in the technical while also developing my leadership skills -  I am proud because I have come such a long way from that girl in the photo. What a ride – can’t wait to see what’s next!

Lynley Dunn

23 Jun 2020
2 minutes to read
By Lynley Dunn
Asset Manager