Top tips to save energy if spending more time at home

Working from home energy saving tips

More time at home means you can churn through a bit more energy than usual. Here’s our top five tips to help keep costs down.

1. Switch off when you don’t need the tech

At the end of the day or other long periods when you don’t need to be using technology (for example if working from home), you can reduce standby energy usage by switching off laptops, monitors, modems and printers.

To streamline things even more, you can set timers on your computer to automatically turn them off. Many appliances feature an “energy saving” mode, so it can pay to switch that on too. 


2. Make the most of nature

As we move into the warmer months you could choose a well-lit, breezy room or even consider working part of the day outside if possible. Make the most of the natural light and air, there’s nothing like the sounds of birds to lift the spirits! Don’t forget to turn off fans or air conditioners when you’re not using them.


3. Lighting

Try switching to more energy-efficient LED bulb, or even just using a desk lamp to shed some extra light on your workspace.

With the kids at home, maybe start a reward system, one token in the jar when they have the light off when not in use.


4. Laundry

One way to take advantage of being home more is to save energy elsewhere. Your washing and drying is a great place to start. Try skipping the dryer when you can.


5. Cooking

If there are more people at home than usual, the fridge may get opened and closed more often. This can chew through a bit more power. Also let your food cool down before putting it in the fridge to keep it running at its best.


Check out more of our Energy saving tips here.

16 Nov 2021
1 minutes to read
By Contact Energy