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Positively part of our communities

We live, work and operate in communities throughout the country, and we know that our actions impact the people and environment around us.

We are a New Zealand business

Our neighbours (residents and businesses who live near our operations) are some of our most important stakeholders. Supporting and investing back into these communities across our 45 or so sites across New Zealand, and avoiding and mitigating adverse impacts are our main priorities.

Our philosophy is to ‘be the neighbour you’d want to have’. To us, this means respecting the rights of others, ensuring the safe and best practice operation of our sites, and making a positive contribution to the communities we call home.


Community partnerships

We're part of the fabric of diverse communities across New Zealand, so we're involved in local things that matter. We like to understand the nitty gritty of what they are all about to help us deliver their needs and aspirations. We are all about creating meaningful partnerships for the future. It’s not only rewarding, it’s vital to the ongoing success of our business. And because we're there for the long term, we make multi-year commitments. 

Women's Refuge

At Contact we believe it’s good to be home and that our homes should be warm, connected and most importantly, safe. We also know that unfortunately this is not the reality for every Kiwi family.

We’ve been working with the National Collective of Women’s Refuges since 2020 on several initiatives, then in 2022 we became a proud partner. It’s a privilege to support the vital work they do across Aotearoa New Zealand helping women and children who are experiencing family violence.

Find out more about how our support for Women’s Refuge is making a difference and how you can help. 

Women's refuge

SwimWell Taupō

As a proud member of the Taupō community for decades, we decided to ask how we could best provide support. The community told us they were concerned about keeping our tamariki (children) safe in our moana (lake) and awa (rivers). As a result, SwimWell Taupō launched in 2010. 

The programme provides free swimming and water safety lessons to around 3,500 primary students in Taupō, Turangi, Mangakino, Whakamaru each year. To date, we’ve supported over 300,000 swimming lessons for over 40,000 tamariki.

Contact and SwimWell Logo

Alexandra Blossom Festival

Contact has been a major sponsor of the colourful Alexandra Blossom Festival since 2004. In 2008 we became Principal Partner of the Festival and Grand Procession, a street parade of locally built floats, traditionally covered with thousands of carefully applied individual blossoms. This family-friendly event is held in Alexandra and is now over 65 years old, having started in 1957 just after the commissioning of the Roxburgh Power Station.

Contact Alexandra Blossom Festival logo

Greening Taupō and Kids Greening Taupō

Greening Taupō, a conservation group which has planted over 200,000 native trees with the support of the community, has improved the environment for people and wildlife. In 2013 we provided 3000 seedlings to be planted by locals which kicked off the Greening Taupō annual community planting days. It also marked the start of our partnership. 

Kids Greening Taupō is an education and environment programme which links local Taupō schools and Greening Taupō, encouraging students to drive projects which increase biodiversity and solve environmental problems. The organisation works with every school in Taupō, as well as many early childhood education centres, providing hands-on experience in conservation for young people. Its resources and advice are used by schools across the country, and it has become a model of student leadership.

Greening Taupo logo

Wingspan National Bird of Prey Centre

We are proud to support the release of karearea (NZ Falcon) on Tuwharetoa iwi land, in Taupō. We have released six karearea so far and aim to release a total of 15 birds.  

Kārearea are a threatened species, with less than 10,000 remaining in the wild. 75% of juveniles die in their first year, many from starvation. Our sponsorship covers equipment, travel, food costs, feed requirements, and volunteer monitoring to support the chicks in their first few months of life. 

We are thrilled to see these beautiful native birds soaring over Tauhara maunga once again.

Wingspan National Bird of Prey Centre

Lake Dunstan

Lake Dunstan is a popular spot with boaties, water-skiers, fishers, paragliders, and rowers. After a suggestion from locals wanting up-to-date information about weather and conditions on the lake, we installed a webcam at the top of Clyde Dam. 

The webcam provides a panoramic view over the lake updated every 15 minutes, ensuring an accurate take on current conditions. Click here to view the webcam. 


Kawarau Arm Community Project

In 2023 we began our collaboration with the community to co-design improvements to the Old Cromwell area. This was part of Contact’s revised 2019 - 2024 landscape and visual amenity management plan (LVAMP) for the Kawarau Arm of Lake Dunstan.

Check out this link to learn more about the project and view concept plans. 

Kiwi Contact

New Zealand is the only place on earth that kiwi call home, so we’re pleased to support efforts to conserve this precious taonga. 

Kiwi Contact is a partnership between Save the Kiwi, Contact, and Wairakei Golf + Sanctuary. It is run in conjunction with Kids Greening Taupō with support from the Department of Conservation. 

Through Kiwi Contact, school students in the Taupō District get hands-on learning about kiwi conservation. They tour the kiwi creche, part of the Gallagher Kiwi Burrow which is housed behind the predator proof fence in the Wairakei Golf + Sanctuary. 

Conservation experts from Save the Kiwi inspire students about the importance of kiwi to the natural environment and its cultural significance to Aotearoa. In a unique experience, students witness firsthand the care of kiwi eggs and chicks.


 Kiwi Contact Partnership

Taranaki Kiwi Trust

Contact has worked with the Taranaki Kiwi Trust since 2020, when we sponsored Koko – a resident kiwi on Taranaki Maunga.  In 2022, we extended that support into a three-year sponsorship of the Trust to undertake education and advocacy programmes. In 2023 the Trust delivered 58 training, education and advocacy events with schools, churches, businesses, clubs and organisations across the region.  

The Taranaki Kiwi Trust is dedicated to protecting and preserving the Western Brown Kiwi population through Taranaki.  The Trust is engaged with pest control on public and private land, egg lifts, releasing kiwi, kiwi monitoring and surveying. It provides protection for kiwi on private properties in Taranaki through predator trapping. 


 Contact energy and Taranaki Kiwi Trust logos

Being a good neighbour

We have around 45 sites across New Zealand including 11 power stations. We work hard to make sure our operations are safe and reduce and mitigate any issues that may impact our neighbours. 


As a good neighbour we make sure we keep our community engaged in our activities. Where we have important updates to share, we hold community meetings to encourage feedback, and we provide updates via email and letters. Where a neighbour may be particularly affected, we meet with them in person.    We do not have a formal grievance process, instead we assess any issues on a case by case basis. 


If you live around one of our power stations or offices and want to get in touch, or you have questions about any of our operations, give us a shout on 0800 000 458 (North Island) or 0800 66 33 35 (South Island).

Backing our people to do good

In addition to our regional partnerships, our employee volunteer programme enables Contact people to contribute part of their time to good causes. We call this Community Contact and each year we have 8,000 hours available to help causes all over the country.


Got a project you’d like some help with? Get in touch here on 0800 000 458 (North Island) or 0800 66 33 35 (South Island).

Get in touch

We love hearing about the good work happening in our communities. Although we can’t say yes to everything, we help wherever we can. 

For sponsorship, community investment and other enquires contact: sponsorships@contactenergy.co.nz