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Human Rights

Human rights across our business operations

We try to avoid causing or contributing to adverse human rights impacts in connection with our operations, products and services. If they do arise, we aim to address them promptly under our Mitigation and Remediation Guideline.

As we onboard them, we ensure that our suppliers sign up to our Supplier Code of Conduct which requires them to meet human rights standards in their workplace, and to work towards monitoring and addressing these standards within their supply chains. Our supplier questionnaire also asks for confirmation of compliance with human rights laws and management of modern slavery.

In addition, we consider human rights and modern slavery issues as part of our due diligence processes for mergers and acquisitions.

Human rights at work

We encourage everyone to bring their “whole self” to work, and to work remotely and flexibly where a role allows.

We treat all people with dignity and respect and comply with all local laws which protect human rights and labour standards.

We operate in a manner consistent with internationally recognised human rights as laid out in the International Bill of Rights and the International Labour Organisation’s Declaration on the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and other established human rights principles and obligations.

Human rights reporting

We work hard to be transparent in relation to human rights issues in all areas of our business.

We provide channels for our people to report human rights issues within the business, and we monitor, review and address the issues raised.

From 2023 we will report annually on the issues raised.

You can see our Human Rights mitigation, remediation and reporting guideline here.