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Contact service fees


Electricity and Natural Gas service fees

Amount (incl. GST)
Bond (where applicable, minimum charge)
Residential $150
Business $500
New connection (these fees do not include the cost of related work by an electrician, gas fitter or network company)
Each new installation control point for Electricity $108
Temporary builder's supply
Each new installation control point for Natural Gas POA
(Price on Application)
Special meter read
Including check or final read $35
On-site investigation
Electricity $156
Natural Gas $156
Fault visit (if a fault proves NOT to be a supply or metering problem)
Non-urgent service $125
Same business day services, call received by 4pm $200
Weekends, public holidays and after hours (4pm - 7am) $220
Reconnection or disconnection  - PrePay Services and Non-Payment
PrePay disconnection and reconnection fee (except for the initial reconnection of a property disconnected for vacancy) Free
Smart meter remote disconnection or reconnection for non-payment (except for the initial reconnection of a property disconnected for vacancy or customer switching to Contact)         Free
Disconnection or reconnection for non-payment requiring a site visit (except for the initial reconnection of a property disconnected for vacancy or customer switching to Contact) Free
Reconnection or disconnection - Customer Requested Services
Smart meter remote reconnection $14
Smart meter remote disconnection
Temporary disconnection for safety requiring a site visit (business hours)
Next business day reconnection requiring a site visit, call received by 4pm
Special disconnection requiring a site visit (where required by Contact) $150
Same business day reconnection requiring a site visit, call received by 4pm $175
After Hours reconnection requiring a site visit – (This service is provided Mon-Fri 4pm to 8pm or Weekends and public holidays 7.30am to 8pm)   $220


Metering Change Fees
Change of pricing plan
(no physical change to metering required and no site visit needed)
Electricity (where a site visit is needed to complete the meter change) $200
Natural Gas (where a site visit is needed to complete the meter change) POA
(Price on Application)
Total disconnection (including meter removal)
Electricity $169
Natural Gas (includes distributor fee) POA
(Price on Application)
Meter relocation
Electricity Smart meter installation $190
Electricity $200
Meter test (per meter tested – applies if meter proves to be accurate)
Natural Gas (includes distributor fee) POA
(Price on Application)
Over the counter payment fee
Paper correspondence fee  $2.30
Debt management fee (business customers only)
Cancellation fee
(where a request for work is cancelled before it is performed or you cannot be contacted as requested)
Incomplete service fee
(If you fail to meet an arranged appointment or provide access)
Debt site visit $90
Debt collection costs
All costs
Card processing fee 0.86% of payment amount



Optical Network Terminal (ONT) Relocation Fee $310
One-off modem purchase
Monthly modem rental
Modem delivery fee $14.99


Please note:

  • We may pass on fees or charges from regulatory agencies, the network operator (as defined in the general terms and conditions), the meter owner, or other third party, that relate to the supply of energy or other services to you.
  • Special fees may apply for other services.
  • A remote reconnection is not always possible, where we’re unable to reconnect your property remotely, a physical reconnection requiring a site visit may be required.
  • Physical reconnections requiring a site visit can be requested daily between 7.30am and 8pm daily but in rural or remote regions we cannot guarantee a same day service if request after.
  • Medical Dependant Customers reconnection requests: If anyone at your property is dependent on electricity or gas to prevent loss of life or serious harm, please provide this information during your call for an urgent 24/7 reconnection request.
  • Prompt payment discounts (if applicable) do not apply to service fees.
  • Gas and Electricity metering related fees do not include the cost of work required by an electrician, gas fitter or network company.
  • All fees include GST.
  • For independent complaint or pricing advice, please refer to UDL & Powerswitch for assistance.
  • Effective from 12 December 2024.

Please call us on 0800 224 424 if you have any questions.

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