By signing up, you agree to our and , and if you are signing up on behalf of the account holder, confirm that you are authorised to act on their behalf.
Privacy policy
This section only applies if you’re using this website as an individual, and not if you’re using it on behalf of a company.
We understand that your privacy is important to you. We will need you to give us some personal information so that we can supply energy and other services such as broadband to you and in order to be able to provide a personalised experience through our digital channels as listed above. It is important the personal information, and any other information you give us, is correct and you let us know if there’s any change to it. If you don't supply us with this information, we may not be able to supply energy and other services such as broadband to you.
By registering for Contact's online services, you confirm that you’re the account holder or are authorised by the account holder to access the accounts for which you have registered or for any accounts that you add to your online profile in the future.
If you register on our website, we’ll ask you whether you want us to send you personalised emails, mail and other communications with news, special offers and other matters which may be of interest to you. You can say no to this service when you register or by contacting us.
Read the full privacy policy here.
General Terms and Conditions
It's our job to provide you with a safe and reliable energy supply and helpful customer service.
Our general terms and conditions, cover electricity, natural gas and piped Contact Rockgas LPG.
Read the full terms and conditions here.