Bottled Gas

Bottled gas could be the best choice due to its convenience, versatility for cooking and heating, availability in remote areas and reliability as a backup.  
Large 45kg bottles are delivered to your place by Rockgas, and 9kg BBQ sized bottles can be easily collected from refuel stations. 
Bottled Gas

Connect with Contact

Turning the gas on is easy. Just use our online enquiry form to let us know exactly what it is your need.


Or, if you need to talk it through, give us a call on 0800 762 542 for handy advice on the best options for you. We’ll talk you through the details and get you connected pronto.


Bulk it up

If you have high LPG demand, a bulk tank supply may be the way to go. It provides constant gas supply for large industrial and commercial businesses, such as horticultural greenhouses, indoor livestock farms and manufacturing for milk powder or bread products.

The tank is installed on site and pipes are run to where the gas is needed.

Give us a call on 0800 762 542 and we can give you advice on where to position your tank, isolation distances and legal requirements. We may also be able to help with capital investment into the infrastructure you may need.

Pair up handy gas packs

Our gas cylinders are a great way to go. Our standard LPG pack has two 45kg cylinders – delivered to your door. We can do multi cylinder installations for larger businesses. When one gas cylinder empties, your regulator should automatically switch to the next cylinder.  Give us a bell when that happens and we’ll replace the empty cylinder toot sweet.

Some of our larger customers go for a standing order so cylinders are replaced on a regular basis.

New gas installations need a gas fitting certificate issued by a craftsman gasfitter before the gas can be turned on and available for use.

Soak it up

Gas can give you continuous hot water – perfect for hospitality, hotel and health industries especially. Water is heated as it’s used, so you’ll never run cold, and its cost efficient because you’re only paying to heat the water you use.

Get cosy quickly

Gas heating comes on quickly. It’s perfect for providing easily controlled heat, for instance to optimise crop yield or with livestock management. At the fancier end of the scale, there are attractive gas heating options for hotel lobbies or special guest rooms, with flame-effect gas fires. Large scale heating or luxury cosiness – gas covers the field.

Kitchen whizz

Gas is king in the kitchen. Chefs love cooking with it because of the instant heat and quick temperature control. And in a busy kitchen the visibility of a gas flame has added advantages – along with the swift cool down. Whatever you’re whipping up, gas is top of the menu.

The great all rounder

Gas ticks boxes all over the place for a bundle of industries. Gas fired laundry equipment is quick and cost effective. Automotive paint ovens love the accuracy and speed of gas. Gas makes smart sense for most businesses – from cute little bistros to large manufacturing sites.

Fire up your forklifts with LPG

LPG will give your forklift fleet all the grunt you need – without the high cost of petrol. What’s more, LPG burns cleaner so it’s better for the environment than petrol.

We deliver straight to your work so there’s no time wasting or hassle – and you can set up a standing order so you never run short. We’ll even rent you extra cylinders when you need them.

Order LPG refills

Order your refills quick smart online or by calling 0800 307 300. Easy, automated system available 24 hours a day.

New Connections

Quick smart connections – even temporary supply until you’re ready to connect.